Saturday, July 24, 2010

7.24.10 [MY1ST]

Location: Skin City Body Art
Artist : Nicki Garrett
Canvas: Juiceee

no matter where you end up it all means nothing if you dont remember where you came from
for me Durham is the home of my whole entire family
my mothers side was all born here
my fathers side all migrated via Clinton, NC
Durham is very diverse in its culture and can easily take you to two completely opposite sides of the spectrum in just an heartbeat
you can go from "Welcome to Durham" ganglife to one of the top ten schools in the country in Duke all within one mile of each other
you can call it what you want
but im proud to be from the Bull
never in the future will you find me to be some rich snob that doesn't remember where he came from
Durham will always have a place in my heart
what about you?

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