A million and one different things are running through my head at once right now.
Im sitting here, enjoying my Sunday afternoon just chillin, playin Halo 2...yes i mean 2 not 3
but yeah...it just blows my mind how this game used to basically be my life, and to tell you the truth I kinda miss that.
visual: this is me 2-3 years ago when my life revolved around Halo

it just seems as if life is moving my soooo fast and i dont know whether thats a really good thing or a really bad thing. back then it just seemed like i had ABSOLUTELY NO worries in the world just uhh "how much time i would get to stay on XBL for the night" or whether i would be home for the whole weekend to watch the live video stream on my oldddddd desktop computer.
Now I have to worry about money, college and just more "grown-up" stuff. it's just sooo crazy to me how seriously i had no dreams and aspirations to go to college because i felt that i had so much talent at grenade placement that i thought i would one day make it to the MLG Pro Circuit and make some real money. i had all my friends behind me, as a matter of fact, they're the reason i was in that mindstate because we were the ppl that COULD do something like that.
the sleepovers, every weekend we spent at Sports Cards & Coin's winning tournaments week in and out, trips to KFC & Cookout, Parkwood vs. the World XBL series...mann...those were the good old days. ;(
but i guess i had to grow up sooner or later. or i would probably be chillin' at my boy Ed's house right now, still blowin' all of my money on a crazy card game and studying strat's instead of my homework.
i wouldn't change my past for the world. i know alot of people with alot of problems who cant seem to shake the powerful wrath of the Bull City's bad sides. i know who and where i was in the wee hours of the morning and im proud to say i wasn't out wit a bottle half-way down my throat or with fired up grass in my mouth thinkin' im Joe Cool or somethin'. i was chillin' with the sounds of the latest Dipset mixtape, shootin' animated guns, cursin' people out through a microphone, at the Marriot with some of the smartest card-players ever, looking them in their eyes and i say "game?"...
life's crazy but
i LOVE it
do you?
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