Wow, approximately three days after we (Duke) got destroyed against Villanova by 23 points we are back on the rebound picking up Liberty's ex-star guard and 2009 NCAA Freshman of the Year Seth Curry.
Crazy thing is that while I was in the shower about 40 minutes ago I was seriously facing the facts that Gerald Henderson & Kyle Singler may opt to enter the NBA Draft leaving us with absolutely no legitimate threat on offense (other than our 6-5 sharpshooter Jon Scheyer who was moved to the PG slot but lacks decision making skills in 2/3-1 fastbreak oppurtunities). Until, I thought of Seth Curry, a Point Guard that posses a deadly three point shot, the size to drive to the basket, draw the foul, and sink the free-throws. After toweling off and getting back on my laptop i saw my homie B-Leedy's status that read "SETH CURRY'S GOING TO DUKE" and began to viciously peck the keys in Google "seth curry duke".
After reading Andy Katz little write-up i simply began to chant "YES YES YES" and clap at the same time. btw, as I type this i just noticed that Andy Katz made a typo by saying that Dell Curry (Seth's Father) was a "former star guard with the Charlotte Bobcats" lmao but it's all good Andy...everyone makes mistakes...even super sports analysts.
So i'm very pleased with Coach K's decision to offer a scholarship to an athlete seeking more of a competitive conference that the Big-South didn't offer him. Even though Curry will have to sit out this upcoming season, it's all good because that just gives him more time to hit the weight room and Duke's wonderful practice facility and become the best player he can be.
and if you have time please peep this vid of his freshman season highlight tape...he has pretty good court awareness and some sick passes...his signature move seems to be some kind of crossover whether step-back or ordinary followed with a jumper
thats automatic!
and to think...this is what a person who was only ranked a three-star athelete out of high school with only three colleges showing interest in him (Liberty, Davidson and VT) can achieve...SMH
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
3.28.09 [HOLA]
it's been a while homie's...
a week and a half to be exact
as of this moment im on the phone and listening to bull city's own...
Little Brother and thinkin' of how stressfull the next few months of my senior year are gonna be
as many of you know...
senior year is hella expensive
i just bought my cap-n-gown like last month, have to go to prom because it's senior year man...what i look like missing that, my yearbook and COLLEGE
i've devised a plan of better money-management that will hopefully help me save some money cause i can't seem to shake my fast-food addiction,
i've started to find the individual pieces of clothing that i've wanted for a long time for the low-low like a few Ralph Lauren Button-Downs and some kicks that will remain ds for a while...
on my to-do list i gotta display some of the best writing i've ever done in my life in order to hopefully recieve some scholarship change. i need all the help i can get forreal and i pray the skateboards flip in my direction on this one...
this is the last quarter of my high-school career and i think i wanna do something that i've yet to do in my long four year stay at Jordan High, and that is to get all A's. that will be veryy hard because of the fact that i'm taking the o'so pointless AP 3nvironmental in which i can give a rat's ass what i make cause i'm gettin' those 2 point's regardless cause i registered for that exam but goin out with a bang, my report cards gonna be like this
Animal Science A+
Gen. Fitness A++
Honors English IV A
AP Environmental A--
Small Business A
and hopefully i will skunk past a few noobs in class rank in the last seconds like Scottie Reynolds amazing fastbreak against Pitt haha
soo yeah...that was a brief update on my life over the last week
hopefully you enjoyed it and i holla
btw, new playlist...i got tired of the old
im sure you'all did too
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
soo its 8:30pm and im still beat from my experience today
well i learned something valuable today:
"college cafeteria food is WAY different from high school cafeteria food
but the cafeteria ladies will always be the same"
but on the real-
i had a really good time today...
it all started at 8:35am when my aunt vee picked me and my mom up
at 9:47 i saw my first ever aggie light-pole
at 9:51 i stepped into my first aggie building
--alright im done--
so we went on a tour with a guy named Robert
he was a pretty mellow dude
took us all around campus from the bookstore,village, student union, etc.
ohh yeah i met this girl from pennsylvania
i think her name was Brianna
she had an interesting story on how her father moved down here and her mother had open-heart surgery and how she just needed to transfer and how A&T was "awesome"
anyways i encountered the school radio station BLASTIN' Gucci
a student union that has a wing-store on the inside
alot of people that can DRESS not dress...if you're into hypebeasts...but some dudes that were pretty respectable
a bangin' cafeteria that was packed and had dishes from pasta to salad to burgers to cereal...
basically they had it ALL
at a reasonable price 5$ all you can eat
went on a wild goose chase to find Barbee Hall for no reason b/c
it's on a completely different side of campus then where i need to be so basically its between
Aggie Village (access to the Corbett Sports Center, The Gym and The Fitness Center)
Aggie Suites (Business/Economics building, all the above)
Pride Hall (all of the above)
ohhhh and you cant forget the A&T fitted & lanyard my aunt copped for me...
obviously im excited so...hit up my flickr for the photos from my journey
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
3.11.09 [LON-DUN]
Name:Theophilus London
Pronounced:The-lof-ah-lus Lun-din
Yeah soo a while ago I was just browsin' around illroots and i saw this mixtape cover with this guy with a weird ass name "Theophilus London" with an old school Cleveland Cavs snapback and and im like...uhhh 1st) how do you pronounce his name 2nd) should I give this guy a listen
unfortunately i didnt bother to listen and i over looked him and downloaded another tape instead
recently while going through Theo's pictures on facebook I noticed that he's friend's with him and have a few snaps together so I decided to give a second look into this guy.
His music is classified as Soul/New Wave/Pop which basically means dance songs.
Theophilus London and KiD CuDi are very similar artists because they make music that you don't normally hear.
Anyway's I dont mean to talk you guy's to death but if you want to hear something really different that is both powerful and could possibly make you bob-your head then
"look look, gander gander"
and check out that dope graffiti
Sunday, March 8, 2009
this picture is unbelievable
for those of you that don't know...these printout's were created after Gerald Hendersons imfamous elbow into the nose of the white college basketball savior himself...Tyler Hansborough
this free-throw attempt must have been the toughest of his life...
being face to face with hundred's of fake Wanted sign's of yourslf must have been very nerve-racking
from Jerry Stackhouses reverse-jam on 2 defenders
to Capel's game winning half-court prayer
to Shane Battier's foul
to Eric Montross's bloody head
to Hansborough's bloody nose
to the consistency of being 1st & 2nd place in the ACC year in and year out
the legacy...
on to the game:
PG Ty Lawson (questionable) PG Jon Scheyer
SG Wayne Ellington SG Elliot Williams
SF Danny Green SF Gerald Henderson
PF Tyler Hansborough PF Kyle Singler
C Deon Thompson C Lance Thomas (questionable)
injury report:
Ty Lawson injured his big toe and didn't practice on Saturday
Lance Thomas injured his left ankle during the Florida State
senior night:
most likely reserves such as Bobby Frasor and Michael Copeland will start on'account of it being their last home game
key's to the game:
good bench play from Larry Drew b/c if Lawson plays most likely his minute will be very limited which results in Larry Drew stepping up as his back up.
Ed Davis providing energy off the bench and utilizing his long body to hit the boards and blocks.
Drawing fouls to get the white savior to the charity strike
also good bench play from Greg Paulus...he needs to knock-down those 25 foot three's he very seldom gives up.
Starter's need to be well-rested b/c with the absence of Nolan Smith (concussion) and Lance Thomas (ankle) and a very un-experienced bench other than McClure/Paulus...we could be in BIG trouble
energy on the defensive end
a big game from Henerson, Singler and Scheyer
Key Match-up:
Danny Green vs. Gerald Henderson
I do not have one b/c everyone know all of the ACC games can swing either way depending on which team comes out and is aggressive for the get-go
-OJay Faison
Thursday, March 5, 2009
3.5.09 [APPLE-SAUCE]
btw new songs
on the playlist----->
and check out the snapss from the blizzard +):
Sunday, March 1, 2009
3.1.09 [MUSiC]

lately the industry has been on FIRE!
the music industry that is...
ever since i got my whip back theO has been the only music circulating through my ears,
until i became curious and found out
about killa's new song's Used to Get it in Ohio & Cookies and Apple Juice
then i found out that Padded Room was released...and im like wtf?
because Budden seems prone to his album releases being pushed back and Half-Way House being an huge dissapointment i just stopped fienin' over him
but i'm back and just got Padded Room which recieved:
- This Is Hip Hop
- now im on hiphopdx listenin' Asher's two new freestyle's on the Song Cry & Takeover instrumental...both kinda "foo-gah-gah" but i'm sure he'll bouce backWale & Young Chris teamed up AGAIN! along with Bun B in the song titled Searchless and Wale had a freestyle come out on February 1st called Warrior...sooo yeah let's just say im madd late about everything and im now caught up with the newest state of hip-hopohhhhh! and i cant forget Cudi's new 09' freestyle on some Rich Boy im out of it forrealanyways..."i holla",-OJ[did]IT
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